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MPA Tournament
Maine Basketball Council
Maine Basketball Council

Tournament Eligibility Information

Please select your email address from the drop-down list below.
The addresses are listed in alphabetical order of officials' last names. To find yours quickly, click the drop-down, start typing your address,
select your address when it appears and then click the Submit button. 

The database will generate a report and email it to the email address we have on file for you.
Please allow up to 5 minutes to receive the report.
If you have not received it within that timeframe, please email

Important Dates in 2024-2025

 November 18, 2024First practice
December 6, 2024First countable game
December 31, 2024Preliminary list of projected tournament-eligible officials sent out
 January 6, 2025Final list of projected tournament-eligible officials sent to MPA
January 12, 2025Ballots sent to projected tournament-eligible officials
January 19, 2025Ballots due by noon from projected tournament-eligible officials
February 7, 2024MPA Tournament pool of officials announced
February 11-14, 2024Prelims / AA Quarterfinals
February 15-23, 2024MPA Tournament week
February 28 - March 1, 2025State Championships

2024 State Clinics
By Maine State Council adoption, it is a state-wide requirement to attend a state clinic in order to be eligible to officiate both regular and post-season high school basketball in Maine.

Board 21

November 3

9 a.m.

Gorham Middle School

Board 20

November 3

5 p.m.

Camp Chamberlain (Augusta)

Board 18

November 10

1 p.m.

East Machias Middle School

Board 150

November 16

3 p.m.

Caribou Rec. Department

Board 111

November 17

9 a.m.

Hampden Academy

Updated as of 10/14/2024